I'm taking a class in Five Element acupuncture (5E), which deals more with addressing PSE (psychological, spiritual, emotional) concerns than physiological problems. It is strongly stressed that as a practitioner of 5E that you live with integrity. The concept of integrity in this context is always striving to take the right action. Every time you make a decision, there is one decision that is better. Becoming aware of that and acting on it is something that I am working very hard on manifesting in my life. The problem, of course, is that that the right action usually isn't the easy action. For instance, it's much easier for me to buy lunch in the cafeteria at school than it is to pack something from home that I know is made of local, sustainable products. Granted, my school's cafeteria is 100% vegetarian with lots of vegan options, but I've seen all sorts of produce in the food that isn't in season in WA. In this case, the right action is pretty clear. It's just going to require planning.
Meal planning has never been my strong suit. In fact, my eating habits have pretty much always been based on whims. Eating local, sustainable food isn't the cheapest option (though it's cheaper than buying lunch!), so I need to make sure I get the most out of every dollar. I suppose I'm going to have to start thinking this through. Before I go to the Ballard Market on Sunday, I will have a plan. I need to prove to myself that I can afford to eat organic on a very tight budget. Time to look up recipes and figure this out.
Breaking the Silence
1 month ago
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