Sunday, July 11, 2010

Killing Ourselves with Speed

Here's a great article about the current trends in cooking. "It’s time to take a step backward when it comes to technology and get better acquainted with our ingredients."

I know I'm guilty of being lazy in the kitchen, but when I do cook, I make every effort to use fresh, organic, local ingredients, and it's amazing how much more delicious it is than getting something pre-made.


  1. Not to mention healthier, and more economically responsible. If we want our local farmers to stay in business, we need to vote with our wallets and actually buy what they produce.

  2. agreed! I'm even checking out grain mills so I can make my own flour! It's so much healthier and it has all of the oils that the processors remove. :)

  3. If you find a good grain mill, let me know!
