Sunday, July 10, 2011

Candida Cleanse: Day 8

After 1 week of my cleanse, I don't have that much to report. My die-off symptoms seem to have gone away for the most part (I still don't have the best appetite ever, but it's improving). I decided last night that after a full week of not having any fruit at all that I would let myself start eating fruit again and add a probiotic to my regimen. I was thrilled about my decision to eat fruit when I went to the farmer's market where they had beautiful Rainier cherries, and lush, red strawberries. Eating the myriad delicious local fruits that are available is my favorite thing about summer, so not getting to eat any was a bit like torture. I suppose if adding fruit to my diet causes my cleanse to fail miserably, I'll just wait until winter to try again.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the word myriad was -- no joke -- how when we watched "Heathers" the summer before 9th grade, we laughed our asses off at the scene where the English teacher gets all happy about the proper use of "myriad" in a suicide note.

    I'm a sick bastard, you know that?
